Paaaaarty!....Pizza Paaaarty!...(but no pizza)
Wow, sorry that we haven't updated this blog in almost a week. Last week was a bit hectic for us with some family things and we also spent a lot of time working on Holly's 3rd bday party, which was Saturday. Thanks to all family and friends who came out - hope everyone had fun. I admit that I was a bit overzealous when it came to the Carnival theme we had going and unfortunately fell a bit flat when it came to the balloon animals. The options were basically: sword or puppy or giraffe (puppy with long neck) and most of them didn't last more than a minute before popping or deflating. Lesson learned for future animal puppet events: hand out puppet animals as kids are leaving the party, not during.
One thing that did go over pretty well was my Punch-Out game that I made out of some cardboard boxes, cardboard tubes and tissue paper (all of which are in high supply here at the headquarters). The game is a nod to one of the Price Is Right games called Punchboard or Punch-A-Bunch. The Price Is Right is a game show I hold dear to my heart, right next to Card Sharks, Classic Concentration and of course, Press Your Luck (no whammies, please). I have real nostalgia for these shows and for some reason (this is going to sound weird) every time a memory of these shows came up, I would always crave soup. I couldn't figure out why until, as I wrote this post - I remembered that the only time I ever saw these shows was when I was sick and would stay home from school and my mom would make me soup. And if that isn't the best segway ever, don't forget about Mother's Day coming up this Sunday, May 11th!