Magic Watermelon Boats
So, it’s time to get back to reality. We have enjoyed the holidays and are getting back to work. I’m sure you are adjusting to being back as well, hopefully refreshed from the holiday break. Stu and I have a lot of ideas and new products this year for our shop and are looking forward to all that 2009 brings. Thank you to all who have supported our shop and read this blog! We’re fortunate that we both love what we do, putting all that we can into running our small business. It’s a really good dream to share and work on together.
And, speaking of dreams. I wanted to share our favorite gift that we gave to our daughter this year for christmas. It’s a book called The Awesome Book by Dallas Clayton. And it IS an awesome book – about the fantastic imagination and dreams you have as a child….and somehow your dreams become more practical and even forgotten as you get older. It encourages a child or even an adult to dream big – “of magic watermelon boats or musical baboons…” The words and illustrations are really great. Get it here or listen to this funny video of the author talking about it.
Look for our first shop update of ’09 on Monday. Happy New Year!