4th of July Fun

Every year my best friend’s parents have a huge fourth of july BBQ party. There’s swimming in the pool, lots of good food, a softball game, fireworks (some pretty impressive illegal ones too) and it’s just an all day fun event. Last year there was an added element – SUMO wrestling. They rented big sumo suits and a fighting ring, it was so fun! We’re so excited this year for it because SUMO is back again as well as a powdered donut eating contest (which i think stu will do well in, he has competed in many a contests in the past and may have the technique down). I managed to find some photos from last years SUMO. Stu and I fought each other and I think I won. I love the photo where Holly is in the background watching us, she looks a little scared. I think she just witnessed Stu plummet me to the ground – I’m the Sumo down on the ground.

Enjoy your 4th of July!