Cookie Round-Up

“The Daily Cookie”…does not exist, as far as I know, but that would be the name for the bakery I sometimes daydream about opening. For me, a cookie a day is always part of the mix, so I thought I’d recap my top 5 favorites…in no particular order.

City Bakery NYC
Located next door to one of my previous jobs (yay for me!), City Bakery’s chocolate chip cookie is perhaps the one. Although I’m not proud of the fact that one of my favorite cookies is a bit gourmet and a bit pricey, I can’t avoid the fact that I really think they got this one right. The right blend of sugars, chocolates and cookie goodness all over the place. But take warning, this is a rich cookie and you should probably not go for more than 1 cookie every 3 to 5 days…max.

Adam’s Mom
I have a good friend, Adam, that I grew up with and his mom was quite the chef. I only had her cookies once, but remember eating a gallon-size ziploc bag full of them in one sitting with no problems. No warnings on this one. Good homemade cookies can be eaten a’plenty…and a’often.

Berger Cookies
Nothing beats the small batch goodness of, well, small batch-made goodies. I was introduced to Berger Cookies from our good friend, photographer, and Baltimore-native, Matthew Schenning and have since made these a staple. I tried to put down in words the absolute wonderfulness of this soft fudgie cookie, but actually could not do a better job than one posted on DCist a few years back. So here it is….link. I’d suggest eating no more than 2 of these in a single sitting. Your mouth will cry for more, but your muffin tops will plead for mercy.

Le Pain Quotidien
Known around the hood as “the frisbee” this cookie is large and in charge, but actually only about as thick as two stacked dimes. I’ve had these “flat” cookies in other bakeries, but Le Pain Quotidien knows what’s up – you gotta spread that goodness out over the largest surface area possible that can fit in a commercial oven. Can I get a cookie as big as my head? Yes. Yes you can. Can I correctly pronounce Quotidien? No. No I can’t.

M&M Cookie
I’m almost embarrassed to post about this one as I am not a five year old boy, but come on. I like cookies. I like candy. This isn’t rocket science here.

Honorable Mention: Carvel “Cookie Puss”. While not actually a cookie, who are we to resist the crunchies?